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September/2024 – Out now! DIY Zine issue #2
Free PDF file of the DIY zine #2 on this web site:
D.I.Y. Zine issue #1. The first ever full color punk rock zine that’s free.
Size 11 by 17 inches, 20 pages, full color news print zine.
D.I.Y. Zine issue one is now out of print! I will not be re-printing this, so it will be a collector’s item. Free digital zine below: “scroll down, and click on “PDF file.”
Inside the issue: Anarcho Punks in Mexico & Anarchy in Guadalajara photo exhibit by Benjamin from Fallas Del Sistema, Punk Rock in Myanmar (Burma) by Kyaw Kyaw from Rebel Riot, Vegetarian Black Panther, D.I.Y. Punk Rock Fashion designer Audey Thunders, Food not Bombs, Dogma from Canada, An interview with Animal Liberation Front founder Ronnie Lee by Mittens XVX on Animal Liberation, Punk and Direct Action, peace punk band D.O.V.E., Activism, and much more.

Free PDF file of the DIY zine on this web site:
If you live outside of California, go to this web site to order –
Below link will take you to the old D.I.Y Zine web site. Open the old web site from laptop/desktop computer or Ipad. The old web site is not made for phone.

Click here to enter the old diyzine web site