December 2020:
This is J.Lee from Resist and Exist. Just letting you folks know that I have an Anarcho Punk online
store on Etsy and carry different Resist and Exist shirts and pins. Etsy user name: DistroDiy
The website is:
2020 has been a hard year with the Covid lockdown. Protests have been going on across the country,
etc. As such, I’ve been interviewing different band members, activists, and community organizers.
You can check it out at:
Or Youtube user name- Soynoise
Thank you for all your support.
Please check on friends, family, or those who live alone. We have to be kind to each other, and help
one another. Happy holidays and have a safe new year!
Peace & Liberation,
J.Lee/ Resist and Exist
September 2020: Photos and Merchandise page has been updated on this web site.
*Out today for pre-order! Here's the new Psychic Eye double CD compilation of 40+ bands that smash
racism and crush ICE, all coming together to raise funds for BLM and anti-ICE organizations!
All proceeds benefit BLM Louisville in Kentucky and The Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights
Project in Arizona. Bands include: Resist and Exist, The Breathing Light, Nox Novacula, Ötzi, Egrets
on Ergot, OVER, Moira Scar, Secret Shame, Signor Benedick the Moor, Maya Songbird, The Ink
Bats, Pilgrims of Yearning, The Iconoclast, Chaki Sklar, Terminal A, Mystic Priestess, topographies,
ESSES, Medusa Stare, L'Avenir, The Bedroom Witch, M80 Oakland, Yama Uba, SHANX FM, Bustié,
AURAT, Adrenochrome, Malocculsion, Mind Mirage, Bastet, Cult Strange, Memory theater, Black
Daddy Slim, The Ire, Epicrisis, Convenience, Screaming Fist, and more!
February 2020: Another online interview
October 9, 2019: Interview for Noize Records:
Click here to read
September 26, 2019:
September 20, 2019:
Resist and Exist member interviews Students and teachers at the Global Climate Strike in SF:
January 7, 2019: We now have new double sided shirts. Check out the merch page.
We have 3 gigs coming up this month in San Diego, Los Angeles and in Pomona. Go to shows for
more info. Thans. Peace and Liberation from - Resist and Exist
-September, 25th, 2018: Check out our show review with Fallas Del Sistema in Mexico
Check out the video we made from Mexico City show
-July 14th, 2018: We have gigs coming up in Oakland, Sacromento and Mexico. The show page has
been updated.
-December 28th, 2017: Resist and Exist is in this Black Panther book - From Old Guard to
Vanguard: A Second Generation Panther By Malik Ismail.
This book is a mandatory read for all community organizers. It should be in your local library and at
your local college. This book covers the New Panther Vanguard Movement, founded B Kwaku Duren
(Chairman), Charles Boko Freeman, and Shareef Abdullah R.I.P. (Panthers from the 70's). The New
Panther Vanguard Movement is the second generation of the Black Panther Party started in the 90's.
They would do important community work in South Central Los Angeles including: grocery food give-
away, free food programs, free classes, bus to prisons and much more. There is no gun waving with
them – they are all deeply invested community organizers, and the book really shows the heart of this.
It is personal, historical, and very educational. Even Bobby Seale honored the New Panther Vanguard
Movement. The New Panther Vanguard worked with all kinds of different organizations, people of
different ethnicity, and counter culture groups (including a punk rocker anarchist).
Towards the end of the book the author talks of his travels around the world, and goes into an
educational history. Some quotes from the author:
“I realized that a platform without a program is symbol without substance...”,
“I understood that in our era, we cannot carry past pains in our present struggle for collective
“Though our focus was the Black community, we knew that poor Whites, Latin, and Asian communities
of color needed a hand, too, so we served anyone that looked like they need help.”
-December 27th, 2017: "The best of...Kwangju" discography digital album 25 tracks (high quality
sound compared to the vinyl releases).
Listen to it for free on this web site or you can buy the digital album for $6 on Bandcamp.
-November 5th, 2017: Check out our show review on Change Links web site:
-November 2015: Vegan Outreach interviews Resist and Exist :
-Punk Rockers supporting Afghanistan and Iraq veterans against war and making gigs more radical.
Written on August 19th, 2015 click here to read the article
-Our merchandise page will be up soon. For now you can google search and get the bootleg Resist
and Exist shirts, patches and buttons. Some of them have nice designs. We are out of all the vinyls
and cd's but you can find em online.
-Thank you all for coming out the Solidarity Fest. Here is the write up that Resist and Exist did +