Saturday, Dec.13th, 2008
From 11am  - 9pm
$5 Admission that
includes vegan dinner.
The 1st Annual Los Angeles
Anarchist Bookfair
March 5th, 2009
Audio files got updated.  We will be having meeting soon for this
years Bookfair which will be in December 2009.
Check back next week for more updates.

December 24th, 2008
Photos, Audios & Video page has been updated.  Come back
next week will add more audio files and write ups..

December 11th-
Schedule page has been updated with Bio's.  Check back after
the Bookfair for write ups, photos and videos on this page.

November 21st-
Working on video and photo page check back soon.

October 15th-
Donation & Sponsor page is made. Click here

October, 13th-
Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair web site that gets updated:
Bienvenidxs a la 1ª Feria Anual de Libros Anarquistas en Los Ángeles!
Welcome to the 1st Annual Los Ángeles Anarchist Bookfair!

We thank all of you for taking part in this collaborative effort to create
an alternative space to socialize & strategize, especially in the face of
continuous repression. The Los Ángeles! Anarchist Book-fair is the
next attempt in our city's establishment of a radical presence in
Southern California. Organized by mainly Anarchists of color, the
book-fair planning collective is organizing this event with the intention
to make visible our shared histories and cultures of resistance.
Organizing the book-fair has meant going beyond our neighborhoods
and networks in our outreach efforts so as to develop a popular
regional resistance movement that actively challenges the violent,
oppressive, and destructive systems of the state, capitalism and other
coercive power structures. We hope that by opening a space that is
respectful of all anarchist tendencies, we will aid in the creation of a
collective vision of an anarchist alternative to authoritarian
party-politics and organizations. The Anarchist Book-fair is a beginning
marker of resistance, not an end.

Les agradecemos a todxs por tomar parte en este esfuerzo colectivo
para crear un espacio alternativo de socialización y estrategia,
especialmente bajo esta continua represión.  La Feria de Libros
Anarquistas de Los Ángeles es un intento más para establecer una
presencia radical en nuestra ciudad y en el Sur de California.  
Organizada mayoritariamente por anarquistas de color, el colectivo de
planeación intenta hacer visibles nuestras historias y luchas de
resistencia.  El organizar esta feria ha significado ir mas allá de
nuestros barrios y redes en un esfuerzo de alcanzar y desarrollar un
movimiento regional de resistencia popular que rete activamente la
violencia, opresión y los sistemas destructivos del estado, el
capitalismo y otras estructuras de poder coercitivo.  Esperamos que al
abrir un espacio que sea respetuoso de todas las tendencia
anarquistas, aportemos a la creación de una visión colectiva como
alternativa anarquista ante las políticas autoritarias de partidos
políticos y otras organizaciones.  Esta Feria de Libros Anarquistas es
una marca inicial de la resistencia, no el fin.  

--LA Anarchist Bookfair Planning Collective, December 2008
--Colectivo de planeación de la Feria de Libros Anarchistas en LA,
Diciembre del 2008