1pm - 1:50pm SDS & Weather Underground by former SDS / Weathermen member Michael Novick. Weatherman, known colloquially as the Weathermen and later the Weather Underground Organization (abbreviated WUO), was an American radical revolutionary organization. It originated in 1969 as a faction of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Michael Novick is a founder of Turning the Tide news paper and a member of PART (People Against Racist Terror), Los Angeles ARA (Anti Racist Action) and author of the book called White Lies, White Power. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2pm - 2:50pm D.I.Y. Gynecology and Introduction to Self Examination by Pati Garcia From natural birth control using non-hormonal methods to reaching pregnancy to P.M.S. intervention and prevention this workshop will provide simple home remedies and practical fertility awareness information. We will discuss the function and tension within our pelvic floors and how that affects our lives in respects to sexual pleasure,menstruation, and birthgiving. We will learn the extensive anatomy of the clitoris and begin to unravel the concept of complementary sexes as opposed to "opposite" sexes and gender diversity. We will discuss the concepts of potential space, sexual boundaries, and honoring our true selves. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3pm - 3:50pm AnarchaFeminist Childraising by Kaley. Kaley from AnarchaLA/The Los Angeles Childcare Collective will facilitate a workshop that looks at the questions: What does anarchafeminist childraising look like? What is the difference between permissiveness and raising free children? How do anarchists discipline their children? What are the concerns of anarchist/radical parents and how can our childfree allies support us? Children are welcome in the workshop, but drop-off childcare will be available as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4pm - 4:50pm Homophobia and the History of Gay Rights by Shannen Almeida. Come discuss gay history and current gay issues. Learn about how events like Stonewall and the assassination of Harvey Milk have effected the condition of the gay community and their allies today. Find out what you can do to help and be the change to make ours a world of equality for all walks of life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5pm - 5:50pm Vegetarianism for Beginners by Michael D McCarty (Black Panther Party member from the late 60's). Michael is a multicultural storyteller of African, African-American and International Folk tales, Historical tales, Stories of Science, Spiritual stories as well as stories of the brilliant and absolutely stupid things he has done in his life. His stories inform, educate, inspire and amuse. His storytelling style is energetic and enthusiastic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6pm - 6:50pm Activist Lawyer Panel with Colleen (Civil Rights Attorney), Guillermo M Suarez and Kwaku B. Duren (Black Panther Party member from the 70's). Write up coming soon.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7pm - 8:10 pm Film :Behind the Mask click here for more info --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8:10 PM - 9PM Questions and Answers about the film TBA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
MAIN ROON at the Library : |
2nd Floor Room : |
1pm - 1:50pm Deconstructing Patriarchy by George Ohm. In this interactive workshop we will explore gender oppression and privilege through discussion and activities. Aspects of male-socialization will be highlighted through this process with the goal of establishing an active and personal feminist perspective in order to empower participants to confront patriarchy within their own psyches, social circles and communities. Facilitated by George Ohm Contact: george.j.ohm@gmail.com with questions or whatever is on your mind. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2pm - 2:50pm Community Organizing and Increase the Peace by Bloodhound. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3pm - 3:50pm Evolution of the Animal Rights Movement & Prisoner Support by Danny A brief introduction of the animal rights movement will be presented, comparing and contrasting similarities to struggles in the human rights movement. This will lead us to discussion of the severity of laws persecuting animal rights activists, and the number of animal rights prisoners in jail as a result. The closing bit of the talk will include information on prisoner support along with handouts. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4pm - 4:50pm Animal Rights and Feminism by Mardhi Rodrigo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5pm - 5:50pm CBA's Anarchsim. A reverse history of Anarchism --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 2nd Floor room will be closed from 6pm - 9pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1pm - 3pm The reading room will be closed for a meeting. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3pm - 3:50pm Safe space for Self-Examination (for womyn n trans folk f to m only) We will use speculums, flashlights and mirrors to see our cervixes and truly understand our anatomy. With precise anatomic self-awareness we are able to take control of our bodies, let go of fears, reclaim our uterine power, and live confidently. This workshop if trans affirmative, F to M. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4pm - 4:50pm Depression - Understanding and integrating negative mental states. Meditation Practice by Ralf Camacho. Write up coming soon... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5pm - 5:50pm Indigenous Strategies to hood Liberation by Simón Sedillo Simón Sedillo is a community rights defense organizer and film maker whose work has centered on learning from communities in resistance. Sedillo has spent the last 6 years learning, documenting, producing and teaching community based video documentation with communities in resistance across the US and Mexico. Through lectures, workshops, and screenings Sedillo helps open a powerful space for dialogue on the effects of neoliberalism on indigenous communities, immigrant communities, and communities of color in the US and Mexico. Through collaborative media projects, Sedillo’s work has contributed to a growing network of community based media production whose primary objective is to share, teach, and learn from one another, about the construction of horizontal networks of community rights defense. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6pm - 6:50pm (Open) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7pm - 7:50pm Earth Medicine -growing herbs for healing presented by Daisy Yerberia Mayahuel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8pm - 8:50pm Doing It Yourself ; Safe Sex and Vegan Latex by Reyna, Ezak and Sam Sunshine Join Cucci sex educators Ezak, Reyna and Sam, as we engage your senses and sexualities to explore the importance of body and sex-positivity, masturbation, and orgasmic justice. This workshop is open to all genders, and folx pre- and post-orgasmic. Free Cucci! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |